American Express GBT – Motion design, Awards winning campaings

Motion design

3 bold commitments (see above)

American Express GBT has approached us to see if we can come up with a hype video for the 3 statements they wanted to focus on. Initial story boarding showcased the idea of kinetic / typography based video which can flexibly can include client provided material and additional stock footage to spice up the video. This peaked client interest so we went ahead and after picking the right assets went ahead and created the first draft. Due the fast paced video and information changes on screen we had few rounds of polishing but I can safely say that the video above speaks for itself not to mention client absolutely loving the end result.

Product video

Soon after Amex GBT’s rebranding we had another product video to tackle with this we included the new design language of Amex GBT which focuses on portals (like the airplane window) which could expand or take shape to include video, add extra information or be used for transitions.


Awards winning Merch and UX/UI

Onboarding package with Amex GBT and updated online presence

This campaign includes a revamped TIH (Travel Info Hub), The onboarding package for clients, optimised email campaign with separated personas. The most amazing reason that I’m happy to be involved with these two projects that they have been nominated on B2B Marketing awards and they have bagged 2 awards in the following categories:

  • – Best limited budget campaign
  • – Best customer growth or retention initiative campaign